Sexy Saturday: Jaye McKenna

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Welcome to the third instalment of Sexy Saturday!  Each Saturday we take a look at a writer of sexy stories, whether they be erotica, erotic romance, or other genre fiction with lots of dirty bits.

This week, I’m pleased to welcome Jaye McKenna!

Author Bio:

Jaye McKenna is the author of Human Frailties, Human Strengths, an M/M fantasy romance. She writes M/M science fiction and fantasy. In her spare time, she wrangles two kids and a pack of huskies.

Quickie Questions:

1) What was your first experience with erotica / erotic romance?

I wrote M/M (and hid the resulting stories!) long before I realized there was a market for it. The first M/M novel I read was Damon Suede’s “Hot Head”, and it was like a light-bulb going on—I’d found a whole new genre to devour, and a place where my own stuff might fit in.

2) Describe your journey from reading to writing to publication.

I started writing poetry and stories in elementary school, and by high school I was scribbling novels in spiral notebooks instead of listening in class. I tried submitting things for publication back in the dark ages, but the whole process seemed awfully draconian to me, and I wasn’t really sold on giving up artistic control of my work in return for being published. I quickly lost interest in publishing, but never stopped writing. Now, with the explosion of ebooks and self-publishing, I can get my stories out there the way I envision them.

3) What scene or book was the biggest challenge to write?

My biggest challenge so far is the “Guardians of the Pattern” series I’m working on, the first book of which will be released in early 2014. It’s (at least) five books long and straddles the line between science fiction and fantasy. The storyline focuses on two very different cultures, one highly technical and one fairly primitive, which made the world-building doubly challenging.

4) Do you have any tips or advice for aspiring writers of erotica / erotic romance?

Same thing I’d tell anyone who wants to write—read, read, read, and write, write, write. Read everything you can get your hands on, especially in your chosen genre. Become a story-sponge, and eventually you’ll develop an intuitive sense of what works and what doesn’t. And write what you love, because that’s where you’re going to shine.

5) Tell us a bit about your latest release.

Human Frailties, Human Strengths is about a misfit human named Tor who, through a strange encounter with an old woman and a magical book, ends up in an alternate world. When he’s dumped at the feet of an arrogant god-in-exile named Ash, it’s irritation-at-first-sight. Magically bonded to Ash by a goddess who intends to teach Ash a lesson in humanity—and humility—Tor has no choice but to follow Ash as he seeks a way to break his exile. Along the way they find adventure, love, and the meaning of being human.

If you’d like to find out more about Jaye, then you can find her here:

And if you’d like to purchase a copy of Human Frailties, Human Strengths, you can find it at these online booksellers: Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Apple, Kobo, and Smashwords

As well, Jaye just released “Facing the Mirror” as a FREE novella over on Smashwords — it kicks off the Guardians of the Pattern series.  You can find “Facing the Mirror” over on Smashwords.

Thanks for stopping by, Jaye!


Filed under Author Interview, Sexy Saturday

2 responses to “Sexy Saturday: Jaye McKenna

  1. Thanks for having me here, Cameron!

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